Baishen Wang


I am studying for a B.S. in Computer Science in the Department of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Hawaii. I expect to graduate in Spring, 2024.

Interests: Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Computing, Robotics, 3D Graphics


Kali Linux 9/12/2023

A dynamic website work for security in EE 296.

Unix Apache MYSQL

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Toaster Eats 2024

My team (Toaster Eats) developed a website that allows UH students to create and share recipes while supporting local businesses.

Final Project Web Design Software Engineering

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Manoa MarketPlace 2023

A web application project for posting and selling specific kinds of items or services at Manoa.

Javascript Meteor Web Development

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Smart Campus Energy Lab: Team Firmware 2022

Setting new gateway for solar panel in EE 496.

python XCTU PaltformIO GitHub

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Personal Experience with AI

01 May 2024

My use of Artificial Intelligence in ICS 314 I. Introduction AI-driven tools can enhance various aspects of programming, from code generation to debugging and optimization. ChatGPT, for instance, can assist developers by providing code snippets, suggesting solutions to coding problems,...

Software Engineering Learning AI

Design Patterns

20 Apr 2024

In a Computer Science interview, you might be asked about design patterns. Following that, you could be questioned about the design patterns you’ve used in your own code. Your responses to these questions can reveal the strength of your coding...

Software Engineering Learning

Coding standrads

05 Feb 2024

Coding standard is the grammar in coding language that everyone program should be following. Some of these rules include syntax, code format, and many other things. By following these rules, it helps produce a polished code that can be easily...

Software Engineering Learning

UI Framework

20 Feb 2024

Embarking on the expansive realm of front-end development as a novice computer science student, I encountered both the simplicity and complexity inherent in using HTML/CSS and Bootstrap 5. HTML and CSS offered a straightforward foundation, equipping me with the essentials...

Software Engineering Learning

Thinking in Smart questions

25 Jan 2024

What Are Smart Questions? In the realm of learning and personal growth, asking questions plays a pivotal role. Not only does it demonstrate active engagement with a particular subject, but it also fosters critical thinking and the ability to analyze...

Software Engineering Learning

My experience on JavaScript

17 Jan 2024

The JavaScript Journey I have enjoyed working with JavaScript much more than my previous experience with C. C employs a distinct approach to object-oriented programming, utilizing structs and functions, and lacks built-in support for classes and prototypes, a feature readily...

Software Engineering Learning