Creation Through Strength

18 Dec 2024

Adapt to Overcome

Software engineering is a new domain of learning for me. Being a Management Information Systems major exposed me to a broad range of experiences, including a brief amount of coding. This is my first time hearing about athletic software engineering, and I think the values are ideal. Being able to adapt to situations and generate creative solutions for impromptu problems is fun and engaging. One of the most important hurdles to overcome is the interview process, which can be stressful. Getting this stress out of the way and even creating strategies for coding will add to your skills as a software engineer.

Learning more about TypeScript development, UI design, design patterns, databases, and application design is interesting. I have some experience with TypeScript development from prior semesters in MIS, including SQL when querying databases. I have yet to touch upon application design and design patterns, but I know that this class will give me a head start on tackling these subjects. I trust that Professor will guide me and the class to the best possible outcomes and inspire all of us to achieve greatness through “exertion, commitment, success, and failure.”

Desire to Improve

I hope to develop the skills necessary to handle the challenges presented in class and in the workforce. The best way to learn involves hands-on experience with similar projects and problems that will be relevant to your career. Showcasing the challenges you faced and how you overcame them is a valuable skill to show. Being uncomfortable is the optimal zone to improve upon skills that you already possess. This is the center point of increasing your value as a hire. I hope that ICS 314 will become an optimal learning environment to accomplish all of these goals.